Product Introduction Fluidizers (auxiliary flow discs) are mainly used to disrupt the arching phenomenon caused by the discharge of powder materials from the warehouse. Usually composed of stainless steel core shaft, rubber pad bed, built-in check valve, sealing gasket, electric lock nut, hose joint, etc. Product Features Blowing air produces vibration, is economical, and has a durable structure. Can be used for any type of silo and hopper. It can self clean, so it is also suitable for food grade or abrasive materials (granular or powdered materials). Product Application Suitable for: bauxite, ash bag dust, barite (barium sulfate), bentonite, carbon black cement, clay, calcium carbonate, cement clinker, diatomaceous earth, fly back wheat flour, fluorite, high alumina, perlite, polyvinyl chloride resin, salt sand, soda powder, sugar, soap powder, talc and other materials.